
All posts in the geekery category

Once Upon a Time Hiatus Sickness

Published July 8, 2015 by sefra mack

Hola, fellow oncers! Just a quickie! It’s been a long time since I’ve regaled you with my various tales from the land of geekdom, but I’m feeling it today. The muses, the sirens, the fae…they’re all singing to me ♥

If you’re like me, & the hell hiatus (aka summer) is starting to get to you, your options are super limited. You can bow to the network gods & adopt a provisional series (face off on Syfy will save me in a couple weeks ♥), you can scour the internet for spoilers & script teases (just a band-aid for a bullet wound), or you can get creative ☺

In my quest towards procrastination (I’ve elevated it to an Olympic event), I’ve discovered a few awesome ways to do this: crafting, fan-fiction, role playing, & my current favorite: throwback photos & gifs.

ouat season 2 collage

“Magic is Coming”…well, it friggin better be!

I got sooo into the fan groups & pages today on Facebook! Speculation on returning characters, how Emma will handle being the dark one (gonna be badass, y’all!), & the biggest question put to me today: Who created the dark one??! Because as the writers of Once have repeatedly told us, evil is not born, its made!

Now while we can argue in circles about certain things (no, Killian is NOT a womanizer; he’s a flirt, & he’s a pirate. what more do you people want from him?!!? lol), one thing is very clear to me: these characters are amazing. These tales have been a part of our culture for literally hundreds of years; everyone knows Grimm fairy stories, & has seen the original Disney interpretations, & yet there is new depth, development, & facets of these characters being revealed & invented before our eyes. It has been a joy to experience!

Remembering the people they started out as, & the great twists & turns we’ve traveled with them on their various journeys of discovery, is just mind blowing. Soooo, I took a lil throwback time all to meself as I watched Netflix today, & created a collage.

The above images were among the promotional photos for season 2 of Once Upon a Time: All 8 main characters, dressed as their fairy tale personae, but set in the “modern” backdrop of our beloved Storybrooke ♥

So, yes…my first time back on WordPress is to celebrate those early moments of one of my favorite shows ♥ I can’t wait to return to Storybrooke in the fall! (& the Enchanted Forest, & Arendelle, & Camelot…..oh, baby…I’m ready!!!)

Alice in Wonderlamp: Down the Rabbit Hole & Beyond…

Published September 26, 2013 by sefra mack

It all started with a very simple idea: a table lamp inspired by Alice in Wonderland,, one of my favorite Disney heroines. (Can’t WAIT for the spinoff, Once Upon a Time in Wonderland!!!) Through wiles & guile, I actually created it. Not only that, the final product actually matched my original design. Magnifico!

alice lamp final


From making a transfer of the collage, to the creation of the base, a chronology of the creation 🙂

And then the unthinkable happened: Someone actually bought it! I made my first big sale on Etsy, and I am over the moon about it. Clearly, I didn’t know what I was getting into…

I love Alice, & my lamp turned out beautifully: Collage clock base, crackle paint revealing color, purple paisley; I’m a happy girl. But then one of my little cronies reminded me of something: I’m an obsessive fan girl!

Yes, I adore Alice in Wonderland, but I’m also addicted to Ariel,  love Lord of the Rings, & heart Harry Potter. With another buddy commissioning a Nightmare Before Christmas lamp & reminding me of my beloved Burton, I now have 4 – 5 lamps to create!

Ahh geekery…you light up my life… lol (::nerd snort::)

Keep following me for updates & pics of the rapidly upcoming lite-up creations!

♥♥ Mermaids, Ponies & Cosplay: Just Parts of My Master Plan ♥♥

Published September 26, 2013 by sefra mack

Ahh, it’s been so long since I chronicled my geeky schemes, but the master plans remain intact. Not only that, but I’ve been inspired yet again. Ahh, the precious, magical, & never-ending font of geeky goodness, so an update is in order. 😀 Oh, it just gets better & better…

If you’ve read my previous blogs, you know all about my plan to make a line of Disney Princess inspired cocktails. Well, with my beloved Once Upon a Time (finally!) coming back on the air in just a few short days, & the beautiful news that they have cast an actress to play Ariel (gasp!), I have finally been given the push I needed to resume my glorious work: our Ariel’s Ambrosia has been designed!


The newest addition to the burgeoning collection, Ariel’s Ambrosia (decided to go more blue on bottom & pink on top..lookin too patriotic here), along with the upcoming drink for Belle, & the one that started it all, our Snow White Poison Apple Antidote Martini 😀

My co-designer/assistant :), Teresa Brown, & I really wanted the drink to tell her story, be princessy, and as different from my snow white/evil queen drink as the ladies themselves.

The mermaid glass I found is perfect, & with the drink being based with blue Curacao & flavored rum, its very Caribbean (home of prince Eric). The sparkles in it & on the rim make it very princess chic, & magical, & with the handmade seashell pick, skewering our gummy octopus (take that, Ursula!), I think we pulled it all off. Now here’s hoping we can get it made before everyone’s favorite mermaid makes her much-anticipated debut on ABC! (soo excited!!!)

JoAnna Garcia Swisher & Gil McKinney as Ariel & Prince Eric on ABC’s OUAT!

Along with Ariel & my fairy tale frolics, thanks to the SyFy Channel, I have discovered 2 new loves: Cosplay & My Little Pony.

Now, I’ve always loved those magical ponies (thank you very much, 80s me!), & of course dressing up (renaissance faire, anyone?), but I’ve recently reached a new level. Something I would never have envisioned for myself as a grown woman, but here we are. 🙂

Recently on SyFy, there was an awesome (& waay too short) series called Heroes of Cosplay. It followed a group of artists & cosplay enthusiasts as they travel to various comic book, anime, and other geek conventions around the country.

Not only was I introduced to some amazing, business minded artists, including the ladies of CrabCat Industries (fave!), & the incomparable Yaya Han (a new idol, omg, love her!), I was exposed to a subculture that I could easily see myself being a part of. A community of like-minded nerds that dress up & worship various types of fandom?  It’s like finding a map home 🙂

My heroines of cosplay, jessica, holly, victoria, yaya & chloe…if you can name all 5 of their characters, you kick ass 🙂

Although I spent some of my summer making crazy renaissance faire costumes, & Halloween epicness is already in the works, it never occurred to me that I could dress up all the time! I was a fool! Something else took me a bit by surprise, & also has everything to do with watching Heroes of Cosplay: My renewed rabid love of My Little Pony.

Something that struck me as awesome when I was watching HoC, was the fact that a lot of ladies had a go-to My Little Pony persona they dressed as. ::girly squeal::


My cosplay girls bustin out the MLP lovin


Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle (Me!), Rainbow Dash & Applejack: The Mane Ponies 🙂

Now, I have a few theories on why a grown woman (and some men, apparently :D) would have a love for My Little Pony, & I shall explore them in a future blog. In fact, they’re pretty well said in this posting by one of my favorite heroes from the show, Becky Young; but that’s not the point…

So, what IS the point?

I asked all my girls to dress up with me, & not only did I get an immediate & emphatic yes, we each picked a pony (individually, instantly, & NO ONE picked someone elses. it was magic! I ♥ my girls!!!), & now I can make pony ears, horns, & wings (thanks for the inspiration, Yaya!!!).

This show has inspired me to learn new techniques, like mold making, & work with new materials, like worbla & latex. I’m overwhelmed with motivation, & it feels amazing.

So thats a run-down of my newest plans. 😀 Be sure to follow my blog so you can see my sketch become reality! Not only that, but you don’t wanna miss how absolutley ADORABLE we all look in our pony costumes! lol

Until then…let your geek flag fly!

My Top 6 Fantasy Filled Vacations: Geeky Getaways & Princess Pilgrimages

Published December 19, 2012 by sefra mack

There are so many great locations that have been used as backdrops for the most beloved blockbusters & cult classics worshiped by the nerd herd (pinched from P.C. Cast, one of my affectionate nicknames for the blessed & obsessed, such as myself).

hogwarts luggage

All aboard for Fantasy Adventures!!

The memories of the scenic vistas & epic landscapes are so dreamy, they always stay with you. Now, add to that the tantalizing Facebook pages like Fascinating Places & I Want to go there, plus the glory that is the internet, & you can dream up a vacation that will make you feel like you’re taking a magic carpet ride to Narnia, with a golden compass in your pocket:)

So, Just for fun (& personal planning purposes, cuz I’m totally going :P), I’ve listed my Top 6 Fantasy Vacations. Why 6, you ask? I like multiples of three, & its my blog, so :P. we go…coming in at…

#6. ~ The Headland Hotel ~

the setting for the classic children’s movie, The Witches (book by Roald Dahl)

headland summer

The hotel in the summer with its beautiful cliffs & crags (I can still see Luke chasing that baby carriage!)…

headland autumn

And the autumn (so dramatic & awesome! thats my pick!) Click to see bigger pics & explore the site!

There are very few movies from my childhood that completely stand the test of time.

Although you always love them, a bit of the magic dies as you grow older; The Witches is certainly not one of those movies.

With the magic of Jim Henson’s puppets added in, the gloriousness that is Angelica Huston as the Grand High Witch, the beautiful setting of Cornwall, England & the majesty of the Headland Hotel, this movie almost makes you want to change into a mouse for a little while 🙂

The Hotel is so incredible that 90% of the movie is filmed there, & you never see the whole thing!

If you’ve seen the movie, you know that after a health scare, Luke, the main character, & his grandma visit the hotel, on orders from the doctor (seriously? “a good holiday by the seaside & you’ll be right as rain”; friggin American doctors never say crap like that! lol).

Once you see the hotel, you can understand why ANYONE would want to rest & relax there (even though the poor woman got attacked, nearly lost her grandson, & had to battle a platoon of witches. Not very restful! lol)

Although the hotel has changed (it was renamed the Excelsior for the movie, & has since changed hands to new owners, & undergone a lot of renovations), & times have certainly changed as well, the spirit & the grandeur of this hotel seem to live on, & British elegance is most definitely alive & well.

headland tea

as Luke’s grandma said “I love English hotel teas!”..At least i’m pretty darn sure I will! I’d go all the way to Cornwall just for this!

There are packages, & awesomeness like surfing lessons. The gorgeous English seaside is your temporary home, where you can indulge in British High Teas, decadent Spa Treatments (another update I’m not upset about 😛 ), top notch alfresco dining, with the most stunning views of the Atlantic, roaring fires, cozy comfort (doggies are even allowed!), & English hospitality.

inside the hotel 1

a tiny glimpse down the hallway at the way I remember the hotel from the film…glad some touches remain!

I have always longed to vacation on the English seaside or countryside like a high society lady, & I’ve discovered that it can come at a price I could actually afford! The BEST rooms & suites start at £249 (which translates to just over $400/night). I have yet to find 5 star seaside suites in America at that price. And certainly none that would give me the option of saying I got to stay at a place where some of my dreams were made 😀

headland best suite

One of the best suites! & They’d even let my puppy stay! I haveta say, I’d pay way more than they’re asking! Sweetness!!

headland cuisine

Looks sooo delicious! I have not had nearly enough 4 star cuisine, & I’m feeling deprived! Add that to the views outside this place?? I may never leave!

Now, although I dream of going, for sure, the fact that the old-fashioned touches from the movie, & the fact that the fantasy aspect of the hotel’s history doesn’t seem to be embraced by the owners is a bit of a bummer. My next stop of my fantasy tour definitely makes up for that!

OH! I’d like to take a sec for a little bonus side trip, plus my favored way of getting from Vacation spot #6 to Vacation Spot #5…

A Coastal train ride!

The drive from Cornwall to London is about 5 hours…OR you could take a sleeper train ride!

Its a bit cramped, & a bit crazy, but I’ve always wanted to take a long train ride, & I can’t think of a better place to do it than in England. You get breakfast in your own car, no traffic, & gorgeous views of water & countryside until you arrive at Paddington station! Yet another iconic spot!


The coolness of riding the rail in Europe…yup, i can get into that!

Cornwall train view

An ocean view from the train to london

Traveling by train seems more than appropriate when you consider  what our next stop is 😀 If only we could arrive on the Hogwarts Express!

#5. The Harry Potter UK Warner Brothers Studio & London Film Locations Taxi Tour

Now, I’m sure I’m not the only one that started salivating as soon as they began construction on the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando. And, let me just say, if I have to crawl to Florida on my hands & knees, I WILL vacation there as well, BUT that is not my ultimate Harry Potter Vacation

The ultimate would be to see Kings Cross station, the spots used to film Gringotts, the Leaky Cauldron, & Diagon Alley up close, & personally. Actually getting to see the Studio the movies were filmed in as opposed to just seeing the recreations in Orlando (not that I won’t be physically turned on when I go there, but I’m just saying;)…it  would be one thing, & one thing only: Magical.

Not only has London always been my number one most desired destination to visit, its now chock full of Harry Potter Wonderfulness!!

Although I’m positive there are a TON of tours available to tourists in London with a Harry Potter bent, I believe I’ve found the best one:

The Harry Potter Film Locations Taxi Tour by London Walks

(here’s a little link to a short video of a Harry Potter walk)

There are fancier, more mainstream tours available, & in my opinion, that’s just one more reason this one is bound to be the best.

If I’m walking through London looking for Harry, Ron & Hermione’s haunts, I want a guide that’s down, & knows his peeps; not one that works for “the man”.

This tour has NO negative feedback! It claims to immerse the Harry Potter geeks attending, old & young alike, in Wizard World Wonder!


I have no words! I’ve been stupefied! lol

There are a couple other options, but I chose this Taxi Tour because in conjunction with the walking tour that takes you to spectacular & historic places around London that were used in the film (& the architecture! OMG!), it includes the Warner Brothers studio Tour: The Making of Harry Potter (um, nuff said! click this link, & I’ll meet you there!! 😛 ), which is a must for me if I actually get to England.


The great hall! Seriously!!?!

This hum-dinger of a tour is totally customizable, & can include the Warner Brother Studio Tour, & great set locations such as the Knight Bus Bridge, the Flying Car crime scene, Platform 9 3/4, & Oxford! (Also used in the Golden Compass:))

platform 9.75

the first image I found totally backed up choosing Richard Walker as a guide. Wheh I visit, its gonna be like meeting a celebrity!

Not only is the itinerary mind-blowing, the tour guide is touted to be just as incredible. Knowledgeable about the geekery at hand, & an actor himself, Richard Walker is also a licensed London cabbie! That fact, plus knowing that he is THE GUY for this tour before I even get there leaves me with complete confidence that this tour would completely live up to my fantasy vacation expectations 🙂

How could it get any better?….Oh, just you wait…

I’m not sure how I didn’t hear about this before now, but its incredible: I assume since there is so much unspoiled countryside in New Zealand (one of the reasons its popular to film there in the first place, btw), they were able to actually LEAVE UP THE SETS!! Now, recognizing the tourism benefits, & in anticipation of the newest movie in the franchise, I imagine, the powers that be have amped up the current attraction, & now, more than ever, I MUST visit…

#4. Hobbition & The Lord of the Rings New Zealand Film Locations Tour

green dragon pub

“It comes in pints??! I’m getting one!” 🙂

In addition to the new Green Dragon Pub that’s now open to visitors (yup, you can now drink a pint where Merry & Pippin did…I foresee at least a hobbit sized hangover lol), the epic sets are available for the discerning geek to visit (or wallow in, but whatever 😛 )


I wonder if I could just hide in one of those little nooks, & live there…forever! wowzers

The Hobbit “Shire” is actually part of a working New Zealand farm, which is also available for visits. So, not only can you visit the stunning New Zealand countryside, & get an inside look into the film locations of one of the most cast & incredible films of our time, you get to feed baby animals & actually have a “second breakfast”, hobbit style. heehee


so glad they left it up!! if I built something so awesome, I wouldn’t have the heart to strike the set, no way

Although the hobbit tours are more than enough of a draw to get me to New Zealand, there is a TON more to see on this unique continent.

Daredevils will love the popular bungee jumping & sky diving scene in New Zealand (the cast of LOTR actually indulged in this one!!), & nature enthusiasts? Well, this is the place for them. Period.

Not only are there some of the most gorgeous vistas & some of the most breathtaking mountain climbing to be had, but you can actually go kayaking with dolphins. In New Zealand. I Cannot WAIT!


I want to be there! Now! Click this to dream along with me!

And then there are the native people, the Maori. Whenever there is a new culture to explore, especially an indigenous tribe with unique art, customs, folklore & their own language, I think you’d be a fool not to explore it. Learning about this majestic place from the native people sounds so good, I almost don’t need the hobbit part….almost ;P

There are few places in this world that are more unspoiled than New Zealand (seriously, they have more sheep than people…friggin paradise!), & the fact that you can get a tour of the Lord of the Rings universe, including Peter Jackson’s WETA studios, is too delicious to pass up!

weta gift shop

I’d buy everything not nailed down!

Just looking at the pictures makes me wanna go on an epic quest of my own! 😀

…&, indeed, this would be an epic quest!…

#3. Castles of the World Tour ~ Featuring Neuschwanstein, The inspiration for the iconic Sleeping Beauty Castle

sleeping beauty castle winter

so magical! it looks like its inside a snowglobe!

♥ The main event of this tour, Neuschwanstein, or, as its more commonly known, Sleeping Beauty Castle, is what inspired this entire post. The fact that a place like this exists, & was built without modern technology is simply baffling. The castle was built as a personal hideaway for Ludwig II of Bavaria, & he hit the nail on the head: No one could find you if you wanted to get lost inside this fortress! The fact that this castle was the inspiration for Disney’s Sleeping Beauty castle makes total sense. Not only does it look enchanted, but you could totally believe that the trees surrounding it grew over hundreds of years while a maiden just as beautiful lay frozen inside.

All the comments I’ve found mention that there is a LOT of walking to do if you want to enjoy this part of your fantasy vacation, but, by all accounts, its totally worth it.

hall of singers

The hall of singers…I don’t care what they do to me, I’m singing something in this room when I go there! 🙂

sleeping beauty castle trees

Such stunning architecture!

sleeping beauty castle bedroom

Sleeping Beauty’s bedroom: a must see for me!

As I researched this castle tour, I learned about another: They’re a bit lengthy, but the Castles of the World Tours sound too cool to pass up! The entire tour is just over a week long, and the beautiful architecture & history will surely last you a lifetime.

My Personal favorite is the Bavarian Castles Tour (which includes sleeping beauty castle). Not only do you get to see soo many beautiful buildings, but transportation, admissions, guides, & breakfast buffets & 3-course dinners are included!


Linderhof ~ another castle on the tour

castle tour 4

Another beautiful bavarian castle

Not only would I get to see this iconic castle & the others that make Europe grand, but I’d get to see the beauty of the European landscape from the same vantage point as a princess🙂 I can hardly wait!

Added to my sightseeing, party time vacations of fantasy & elegance, I had to add one convention. Although there are tons of Comic-Cons & LARP extravaganzas I’m DYING to attend, this is a festival that practically no one seems to know about, & just watching it on the internet made me feel like I was a fly on the wall for all of my favorite shows, so I had to include it here:

#2. Museum of Television & Radio in California ~ PaleyFest!

This is another one I didn’t know about! Every year at the Paley Center for Media (formerly the Museum of Television & Radio), every cast & production staff from every TV show that you love come together & answer questions for inquiring geeks! AND you can buy tickets!!!

modern family paley

I wanna laugh WITH jay & gloria! lol

I watched a lot of Hulu last summer, & after randomly clicking a little link, I discovered this gem of a festival. The casts, writers, creators, & producers from such hits as “The League”, “Modern Family”, “American Dad” & “Family Guy”, & “Once Upon a Time” & “Lost” have roundtable type Q&A sessions on a stage. They answer internet questions & questions from the audience (me!), and it seems just like being inside the audio commentary of your favorite DVDs.

I learned that 2 of the cast members of “The League” are married in real life, & discovered what it took to get that show, & many of the others present off the ground. The writers of the notoriously intricate “Lost”, & now “Once Upon a Time” (ABC’s new fairy tale hit) even give insights into their little hidden “easter eggs“, & answer questions about potential future characters! To actually be in that audience & sit talking to the cast of Modern Family?? Just thinking of it makes me giddy! & the fact that I could get any inside information about my shows, gets my geek juices bubblin, spoilers be damned!

Now, for the grand finale…

When I stumbled upon this event, just barely too late for this year, my jaw just dropped open.

As far as Fantasy Filled Geek Vacations, this one has it all:

Fantasy, Costumes, Beautiful accomodations, opulent food & bountiful drink, music, macabre, & a celebration of a cult classic & icon of geekery known the world over ~

♥#1. Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade Ball in California♥

♥ Thats right, you read that correctly!

For one weekend a year, one of the most stunning hotels I’ve ever seen transforms itself into a masquerade fit for the Goblin King himself!

plaza 1

SO PRETTY! I’m getting married here, I swear!

Steampunk & sexyness dominate this elegant & extravagant affair that includes high teas, concerts, & of course, the masquerade itself.

The revelers are reported to celebrate everything from the steampunk style, to venitian & Celtic traditions, & of course, goblin & faerie lore. Some of the best fantasy & sci-fi artisits attend, & like the event itself, their work is a sight to behold!


Are you not entertained??!! lol

The members of the “royal court” dress themselves to the nines, & the exhibitions from the different performers,studios, & artists present seem simply stunning!

royal court 2

The partying sounds awesome, but the chance to dress in an amazing costume and have a “Royal Evening Tea” in the “Clockwork Ballroom” is what I’m really looking forward to! The pictures & the memories will be amazing!

So there we have it! I hope you liked reading about the places I would go! :D…

If you won the lottery tomorrow, & had to leave the counry immedeatly, or lose it all, where would you go?

S.Mack! Station Creations Open for Business on Etsy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (So fun & easy!!)

Published December 17, 2012 by sefra mack

It took me awhile to realize I really wanted to do it; & then it took me what seemed like FOREVER to get it done, but it’s happened: My FIRST storefront on is officially up & running!

Please check it out, & please “like” the Facebook page!

Now, so far, I only have a few items up for sale (4, to be exact), but that will all change super soon: I have over 30 other ideas for stock all ready to go, & the supplies on hand to make most of it! I’m loving it, but the demands of any business, plus my meticulous & detail oriented nature (that does nothing to lessen the chances of a screw up, btw) are extremely time-consuming. Luckily, & the internet make selling your art, crafts & vintage treasures easier than ever.

Sorry, but I'm re-vamping it with rhinestones, making my own chibis, and totally copying this! :)

The Original, & my inspiration…fabulous, but no S.Mack! Station Creation:)

If you’ve read my earlier blogs, you know about my hunt for a Harry Potter Phone Case. When I realized how much it would cost me to buy, I decided to make my own…

HP Case Cover

My Finished Case!! Complete with hallows symbol, hogwarts charm, & a snitch made by me!

Once I started the process, the juices started flowing (it didn’t hurt that I’ve been internet shopping like an addict for months, lol). With my hectic work schedule, & the fact that Etsy helps craft supplies get conveniently delivered to your door, it created a perfect storm. Suddenly I was making candles, rings, & charms for every type of geek, & with Etsy’s insane 20 cent listing fee (OMG!), I almost had no choice; I was finally forced into business:P teehee


My blank faced babies…

hp chibi cover

My first little wizard charm 🙂 he’s already very popular heehee

filigree lineup

Silver Filigree Enchanted Rose Princess Rings! For sale on etsy!! Mention this blog for a discount!

In addition to the phone cases & rings, I’ve decided to do princess candles, various other cases for electronics celebrating harry Potter, LOTR, star wars, etc., & I’ve decided to collect & sell vintage clothing that pays homage to my favorite geek obsessions & shows (hello custom tailored shorts ala Zoe Hart! lol

I mentioned how easy etsy makes it, & it couldn’t be more true. If you can set up a WordPress blog, you can sell on All it takes is a product, a little knowledge (I would definitely suggest taking a look at the sellers handbook & the policies page…so much to consider, my head is stuffed!), & a nice picture. 20 cents later, & my art is listed for sale! A bit of a rush, actually 😀

There is so much to do, though, & there are simply not enough hours in the day! I work over 30 hours a week as a waitress, & in my spare time I love to do arts & crafts. Now, however, I’m doubling my hobby time to rival my work schedule, & it’s a ton of stuff: ordering (which is just shopping, so that rocks), inventory (the icky side effect to ordering lol), profit projection, shipping calculation, packaging (been hoarding recyclables for months, so that’ll be gravy), new ideas constantly brewing, & all while you tweet, Facebook, & bug your friends, family & co-workers to get all the free advertising you can.. I’m exhausted. I’m elated 😀 I’ve an enterprise! lol

Disney Princess Drink Series: #1 Poison Apple Antidote Martini ~ Snow White

Published November 21, 2012 by sefra mack

It’s finished! After an exhausting vacation weekend with my girls (& a few boys 🙂 ), my partner in crime, Teresa, & I finally realized our most recent goal: inventing the Snow White Poison Apple Antidote martini.

The Finished Product:) Our Snow White Poison Apple Antidote Martini…& yes, it’ll cure what ails ya, lol 😛

There was more than one source of inspiration for this happy little cocktail. To start with, my bestie Teresa & I are currently obsessed with ABC’s faerie tale drama, Once Upon a Time: We watch it, talk about it, tweet about it, speculate on it, & adore it. So when I decided to invent a drinking game for our upcoming Girls Night marathon (oh, no worries..I shall post the rules soon enough, lol :P), it was only a matter of time before we invented a drink to celebrate our first favorite ass-kicking princess. The first lady to get an upgrade in ABC’s re-imagining of Disney’s Royal Court (really, the first lady of Disney. Period), was Snow White. Here’s the recipe I used from, plus the extras I included to make it magical:) :

Red Apple Martini


Apple, Gold Sugar & Edible Gold Stars (Wilton), Black Liquor or food Color, Fancy Toothpicks


1.5 ounces (1 jigger) each: Apple Schapps (I used 99 Apples)

Canadian Whiskey (Black Velvet)

Cranberry Juice (Ocean Spray, baby!)


  1. Moisten the rim of your martini glass with a little liquor, or the juice of a lime wedge. Spread your sugar on a paper plate, and dip the glass in the sugar, coating the rim. Set Aside.
  2. Cut your apple into wedges, cut a notch in one so it rests on your glass rim, & soak the apple in black liquor (you can also coat it in black sugar, or use black baking comes in a spray:).
  3. Mix  your liquid ingredients in a seperate glass, and pour into your decorated martini glass.
  4. Sprinkle the surface of your drink with edible gold stars 😀
  5. Spear apple wedge with fancy pick, garnish & serve!
  6. extra!: Just before serving, add a dollop of your black liquor to the red…it looks like poison seeping through the drink before it settles & vanishes…tres cool!

…& the Finished Product? Delicious! With the gold sugar, it tastes like a candied apple! The drink turned out just like the magic apple itself: Beautiful, delicious, tempting, & dangerous:) Though it is certainly not for the faint of heart, it’ll definitley cure what ails ya:) the perfect double whammy!

This little enterprise was more than a certainty: We’re geeks, lushes, rookie inventors & cooks, & crafting enthusiasts. I knew there would be edible gold of some kind to add that touch of princess magic (but stars?! So Jazzed!), & Snow’s dysfunctiolnal relationship with that darn apple gave us our flavor straight off:) Another thing that sealed the inevitability of this drink, and provided the final source of inspiration for the signature garnish, was the discovery of Eristoff Black Mixed Berry Vodka.

Truly black vodka:) It stains EVERYTHING, but I love it…I’m nuts:P

I happened to stop at my local liquor store, & by pure serendipity, I saw this vodka: not only was it truly black (curious, eh?), it was on super sale at $9.99 per bottle…& THEN it was buy one, get one for 10 cents! Done deal for this cheap chica! lol

Our Poison Apple in profile:) This liquor is so inky (but yum!), that this amount of (rushed) staining took 10 seconds 😛

Once I had the black liquor, & the ideas started bouncing around in my head, the drink was born! After I decided to stain the apple black to represent that infamous apple that sent Snow into that super inconvenient sleep, the rest was cake. Plus, the realizations that there is edible gold star-shaped glitter & pearlized sugar in every color of the rainbow, there was really no stopping me.

A birds eye view of the Edible glitter stars & pearlized Gold sugar we used:) God bless the Wilton aisle at Michael’s!

Now, I’m sure you noticed the title, and it should be obvious by now that this isn’t going to be our last go at this. Yes, the insanity is only just beginning. 😛

My latest blueprint for Belle’s drink:) Will either turn out beautiful or beastly, lol 😛

Once we started, there were ideas and brainstorms flying everywhere. The result? Drink number 2 shall be an homage to another of the ballsy babes to get a modern-day upgrade & a real life in the Disney-verse: Belle, from Beauty & the Beast. The drink will be called Beauty’s Enchantment, & should be done before the holidays on my next fun weekend home:) Can’t wait to party like a princess! lol….

 After sweating a bit about what kind of glass to use, BAM, we found the one depicted on clearance at Pier One…twas meant to be! lol…It immedeatly reminded us of the movie:) Our next hurdle in gettin the ball rolling was our main theme. After some brain farts, we decided to showcase the iconic enchanted rose from the original Disney movie as our focal point for this charmed cocktail.

Any other suggestions for a Belle themed drink garnish?

Black Magic Poison Apple Martini ~ Snow White

Published November 14, 2012 by sefra mack

Just a few days ago, prior to my previous post:), I was discussing a Once Upon a Time Drinking Game I was inventing with a good friend of mine. During our talk, my friend & god-sister, Teresa, helped me come up with a signature drink for our next geek girl marathon of fairy tale awesomeness. So I wouldn’t forget any of our ingredient ideas, I decided to sketch out the drink the way I hope it comes out looking, and the steps and ingredients I think I’ll need…


One ingredient I won’t forget? The Eristoff Black Mixed Berry Vodka…we had quite the time with that one a few weeks back:P lol

I shall post a pic of the final drink after I go to the liquor store:)

Now that I’ve designed one for Snow, nothing will do until I think of a drink for each of my Disney Princesses🙂 I know I’m going to do an Ariel/Little Mermaid Martini (gummi fish, here I come:), but, other than that, Drink ingredients & themes are eluding me for Belle & Leia (yup, those are the 4 I’m doing:P)…Any suggestions for a Beauty’s Blend or a Star Princess Shot?


Halloween ephemera steal!

Published November 14, 2012 by sefra mack

What a Frickin haul!

In two $2 grab bags at Michaels Arts and Crafts, I got all you see here plus more! including foam shapes & projects and kids clothing & costumes, even pajamas for my puppy! Ephemera, supplies, projects, gifts, decor, & more for 4 bucks! Check your local Michael’s!

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Geek Girl Chronicles #1: Disney – An Origin Story

Published November 12, 2012 by sefra mack

As you get to know me through this blog (or, if you’re blessed, in real life ::teehee:: 😛 ), you will quickly discover that my Geekery File is very full indeed. It ranges from faerie tales to sci-fi; from romantic vampire fiction to graphic novels;  from black & white sitcoms to anime; from trivia games to RPGs. Harry Potter, Star Wars, Star Trek (next gen only, please): If it has its own convention, odds are, I dig it. However, no matter how many new worlds I explore through fan sites, fan-boys, novels, movies, or musicals, there is one thing for certain: I will never forget that, for me,  it all started with Walt Disney’s Snow White.

Snow White, doin her thang in the enchanted forest :) Disney co.

Man, I wish I could get vermin to do my housework like this chica! 🙂

I always loved reading faerie tales, but nothing compared to the first time I saw one living and breathing on a screen. With Snow White, it was just overwhelming at the time: The music, the colors, the simple fact that being a Princess sounds like a damn fine way of life, plus her command over cute lil woodland creatures certainly wasn’t unappealing; I don’t know if any little girl in her right mind could avoid falling in love with Snow White, & I was certainly no exception. She was sweet, helpful, talented, and smart enough to run and hide from the queen & get her man: The kinda girl I certainly wanted to be at age 4.  And then, Oh my goodness, and then…

You realize there are dozens of these movies, and they’re all awesome, and you harass your poor parents (who have to buy a new VCR when you rewind theirs to death) into filling a veritable library with glossy colorful VHS cases of joy until you own them all.

Once the  obsession truly took hold of me, there were dolls, costumes, records, & recipes (yes, I had Disney cookbooks:)), & the biggest surprise of all: The Theme Parks (my fantasy place to run away to when my parents were being downright unreasonable lol).  Yup, once I fell in love with Snow White, there was no looking back. I was a Disney-holic, & the Geeky gene was permanently formed.

I can’t remember NOT loving Disney. When I was younger, & for at least the first 12 years of my life, I wanted to be a Disney animator. I would pause every VHS tape of every Disney movie I watched to try my hand at drawing the characters (& developing the skill it takes to avoid those blasted squiggly lines when u pause? Sheesh! These kids today with their blu rays & iPads don’t know true commitment). Until I hit High School, no other job title was seriously considered (well, maybe working in Jim Henson’s creature shop, but I cried when he passed away, & that fantasy kinda died with him).

If the Prince hadn’t gotten there in time, god knows what woulda happened to my girl! lol…Love her in any form! zombie snow by clocktowerman

In middle school, every report was on animation & every biography was on Walt Disney. I was a fan-girl before I even knew what that meant, and I’m positive I annoyed more than one person, but I didn’t care. I knew what I loved, and I didn’t care what anyone else thought. Aside from my parents, I fully attributethat attitude to all the faerie tales I read; the ones that gave birth to my princesses & inspired the movies that made Disney a household name.

My break from disney in H.S. was Star Wars…how poetic that the two are now One!
lol….awesome art found on tumblr

Now, of course, I got off track in High School, as teenagers are wont to do, & got immersed in the sex & drug fueled worlds of Show Choirs & High School Musicals. Though I lost sight of my dream, & let my talent mold a little, the geek inside me never died. On the contrary, she was nurtured, & blossomed into a full blown nerd. In a land where you are tortured and eventually ostracized for being different, let alone for being  little geeky, I was lucky enough to find the art & music programs in my school; a veritable hive of geek royalty🙂  My loves for musicals & Star Wars were both born in high school, as well as the idea to teach kids; you know, sort of brainwash a bunch of youths into being the nerd that I am :)Although I’m no longer sure what I want to do for the rest of my life, I know for a fact that I’ll be making art until the day I die. Though I’m still learning a lot of mediums like working with latex, and costuming, collecting the every expanding world of geeky souvenirs & making my own nerd wear, keeps my juices flowing:) Thanks to innovators like Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks, and the industry that keeps growing to keep up with the talent out there, possibilities for fantasy art and the parameters for the genre couldn’t be more infinite.

My princess geekery in arts & crafts…i even made a snarfblatt & dinglehopper lol

Much to my delight, the Fantasy Genre has downright mutated over recent years. Between the successes of Harry Potter and the various vampire franchises, the superior super hero movies, themes of magic, mayhem, futuristic monsters come to life, realistic faerie tales (Once Upon a Time on ABC is my newest obsession 🙂 LOVE that Snow White too!), & the 3D movie trend that allows you to truly immerse yourself in the most gorgeously created artwork this world has yet to see, our society’s love affair with the fantastic is certain to be a long one.

the latest reincarnation of Snow & the Evil Queen: Once Upon a Time Airbrush piece by Daekazu on

My geeky adoration of all the ladies on Disney’s Royal Court is certain to last forever as well, but nothing beats your first love, & the first Princess, especially of this geek’s heart: Snow White 🙂