Snow White

All posts tagged Snow White

Once Upon a Time Hiatus Sickness

Published July 8, 2015 by sefra mack

Hola, fellow oncers! Just a quickie! It’s been a long time since I’ve regaled you with my various tales from the land of geekdom, but I’m feeling it today. The muses, the sirens, the fae…they’re all singing to me ♥

If you’re like me, & the hell hiatus (aka summer) is starting to get to you, your options are super limited. You can bow to the network gods & adopt a provisional series (face off on Syfy will save me in a couple weeks ♥), you can scour the internet for spoilers & script teases (just a band-aid for a bullet wound), or you can get creative ☺

In my quest towards procrastination (I’ve elevated it to an Olympic event), I’ve discovered a few awesome ways to do this: crafting, fan-fiction, role playing, & my current favorite: throwback photos & gifs.

ouat season 2 collage

“Magic is Coming”…well, it friggin better be!

I got sooo into the fan groups & pages today on Facebook! Speculation on returning characters, how Emma will handle being the dark one (gonna be badass, y’all!), & the biggest question put to me today: Who created the dark one??! Because as the writers of Once have repeatedly told us, evil is not born, its made!

Now while we can argue in circles about certain things (no, Killian is NOT a womanizer; he’s a flirt, & he’s a pirate. what more do you people want from him?!!? lol), one thing is very clear to me: these characters are amazing. These tales have been a part of our culture for literally hundreds of years; everyone knows Grimm fairy stories, & has seen the original Disney interpretations, & yet there is new depth, development, & facets of these characters being revealed & invented before our eyes. It has been a joy to experience!

Remembering the people they started out as, & the great twists & turns we’ve traveled with them on their various journeys of discovery, is just mind blowing. Soooo, I took a lil throwback time all to meself as I watched Netflix today, & created a collage.

The above images were among the promotional photos for season 2 of Once Upon a Time: All 8 main characters, dressed as their fairy tale personae, but set in the “modern” backdrop of our beloved Storybrooke ♥

So, yes…my first time back on WordPress is to celebrate those early moments of one of my favorite shows ♥ I can’t wait to return to Storybrooke in the fall! (& the Enchanted Forest, & Arendelle, & Camelot…..oh, baby…I’m ready!!!)

♥♥ Mermaids, Ponies & Cosplay: Just Parts of My Master Plan ♥♥

Published September 26, 2013 by sefra mack

Ahh, it’s been so long since I chronicled my geeky schemes, but the master plans remain intact. Not only that, but I’ve been inspired yet again. Ahh, the precious, magical, & never-ending font of geeky goodness, so an update is in order. 😀 Oh, it just gets better & better…

If you’ve read my previous blogs, you know all about my plan to make a line of Disney Princess inspired cocktails. Well, with my beloved Once Upon a Time (finally!) coming back on the air in just a few short days, & the beautiful news that they have cast an actress to play Ariel (gasp!), I have finally been given the push I needed to resume my glorious work: our Ariel’s Ambrosia has been designed!


The newest addition to the burgeoning collection, Ariel’s Ambrosia (decided to go more blue on bottom & pink on top..lookin too patriotic here), along with the upcoming drink for Belle, & the one that started it all, our Snow White Poison Apple Antidote Martini 😀

My co-designer/assistant :), Teresa Brown, & I really wanted the drink to tell her story, be princessy, and as different from my snow white/evil queen drink as the ladies themselves.

The mermaid glass I found is perfect, & with the drink being based with blue Curacao & flavored rum, its very Caribbean (home of prince Eric). The sparkles in it & on the rim make it very princess chic, & magical, & with the handmade seashell pick, skewering our gummy octopus (take that, Ursula!), I think we pulled it all off. Now here’s hoping we can get it made before everyone’s favorite mermaid makes her much-anticipated debut on ABC! (soo excited!!!)

JoAnna Garcia Swisher & Gil McKinney as Ariel & Prince Eric on ABC’s OUAT!

Along with Ariel & my fairy tale frolics, thanks to the SyFy Channel, I have discovered 2 new loves: Cosplay & My Little Pony.

Now, I’ve always loved those magical ponies (thank you very much, 80s me!), & of course dressing up (renaissance faire, anyone?), but I’ve recently reached a new level. Something I would never have envisioned for myself as a grown woman, but here we are. 🙂

Recently on SyFy, there was an awesome (& waay too short) series called Heroes of Cosplay. It followed a group of artists & cosplay enthusiasts as they travel to various comic book, anime, and other geek conventions around the country.

Not only was I introduced to some amazing, business minded artists, including the ladies of CrabCat Industries (fave!), & the incomparable Yaya Han (a new idol, omg, love her!), I was exposed to a subculture that I could easily see myself being a part of. A community of like-minded nerds that dress up & worship various types of fandom?  It’s like finding a map home 🙂

My heroines of cosplay, jessica, holly, victoria, yaya & chloe…if you can name all 5 of their characters, you kick ass 🙂

Although I spent some of my summer making crazy renaissance faire costumes, & Halloween epicness is already in the works, it never occurred to me that I could dress up all the time! I was a fool! Something else took me a bit by surprise, & also has everything to do with watching Heroes of Cosplay: My renewed rabid love of My Little Pony.

Something that struck me as awesome when I was watching HoC, was the fact that a lot of ladies had a go-to My Little Pony persona they dressed as. ::girly squeal::


My cosplay girls bustin out the MLP lovin


Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle (Me!), Rainbow Dash & Applejack: The Mane Ponies 🙂

Now, I have a few theories on why a grown woman (and some men, apparently :D) would have a love for My Little Pony, & I shall explore them in a future blog. In fact, they’re pretty well said in this posting by one of my favorite heroes from the show, Becky Young; but that’s not the point…

So, what IS the point?

I asked all my girls to dress up with me, & not only did I get an immediate & emphatic yes, we each picked a pony (individually, instantly, & NO ONE picked someone elses. it was magic! I ♥ my girls!!!), & now I can make pony ears, horns, & wings (thanks for the inspiration, Yaya!!!).

This show has inspired me to learn new techniques, like mold making, & work with new materials, like worbla & latex. I’m overwhelmed with motivation, & it feels amazing.

So thats a run-down of my newest plans. 😀 Be sure to follow my blog so you can see my sketch become reality! Not only that, but you don’t wanna miss how absolutley ADORABLE we all look in our pony costumes! lol

Until then…let your geek flag fly!

Black Magic Poison Apple Martini ~ Snow White

Published November 14, 2012 by sefra mack

Just a few days ago, prior to my previous post:), I was discussing a Once Upon a Time Drinking Game I was inventing with a good friend of mine. During our talk, my friend & god-sister, Teresa, helped me come up with a signature drink for our next geek girl marathon of fairy tale awesomeness. So I wouldn’t forget any of our ingredient ideas, I decided to sketch out the drink the way I hope it comes out looking, and the steps and ingredients I think I’ll need…


One ingredient I won’t forget? The Eristoff Black Mixed Berry Vodka…we had quite the time with that one a few weeks back:P lol

I shall post a pic of the final drink after I go to the liquor store:)

Now that I’ve designed one for Snow, nothing will do until I think of a drink for each of my Disney Princesses🙂 I know I’m going to do an Ariel/Little Mermaid Martini (gummi fish, here I come:), but, other than that, Drink ingredients & themes are eluding me for Belle & Leia (yup, those are the 4 I’m doing:P)…Any suggestions for a Beauty’s Blend or a Star Princess Shot?


Geek Girl Chronicles #1: Disney – An Origin Story

Published November 12, 2012 by sefra mack

As you get to know me through this blog (or, if you’re blessed, in real life ::teehee:: 😛 ), you will quickly discover that my Geekery File is very full indeed. It ranges from faerie tales to sci-fi; from romantic vampire fiction to graphic novels;  from black & white sitcoms to anime; from trivia games to RPGs. Harry Potter, Star Wars, Star Trek (next gen only, please): If it has its own convention, odds are, I dig it. However, no matter how many new worlds I explore through fan sites, fan-boys, novels, movies, or musicals, there is one thing for certain: I will never forget that, for me,  it all started with Walt Disney’s Snow White.

Snow White, doin her thang in the enchanted forest :) Disney co.

Man, I wish I could get vermin to do my housework like this chica! 🙂

I always loved reading faerie tales, but nothing compared to the first time I saw one living and breathing on a screen. With Snow White, it was just overwhelming at the time: The music, the colors, the simple fact that being a Princess sounds like a damn fine way of life, plus her command over cute lil woodland creatures certainly wasn’t unappealing; I don’t know if any little girl in her right mind could avoid falling in love with Snow White, & I was certainly no exception. She was sweet, helpful, talented, and smart enough to run and hide from the queen & get her man: The kinda girl I certainly wanted to be at age 4.  And then, Oh my goodness, and then…

You realize there are dozens of these movies, and they’re all awesome, and you harass your poor parents (who have to buy a new VCR when you rewind theirs to death) into filling a veritable library with glossy colorful VHS cases of joy until you own them all.

Once the  obsession truly took hold of me, there were dolls, costumes, records, & recipes (yes, I had Disney cookbooks:)), & the biggest surprise of all: The Theme Parks (my fantasy place to run away to when my parents were being downright unreasonable lol).  Yup, once I fell in love with Snow White, there was no looking back. I was a Disney-holic, & the Geeky gene was permanently formed.

I can’t remember NOT loving Disney. When I was younger, & for at least the first 12 years of my life, I wanted to be a Disney animator. I would pause every VHS tape of every Disney movie I watched to try my hand at drawing the characters (& developing the skill it takes to avoid those blasted squiggly lines when u pause? Sheesh! These kids today with their blu rays & iPads don’t know true commitment). Until I hit High School, no other job title was seriously considered (well, maybe working in Jim Henson’s creature shop, but I cried when he passed away, & that fantasy kinda died with him).

If the Prince hadn’t gotten there in time, god knows what woulda happened to my girl! lol…Love her in any form! zombie snow by clocktowerman

In middle school, every report was on animation & every biography was on Walt Disney. I was a fan-girl before I even knew what that meant, and I’m positive I annoyed more than one person, but I didn’t care. I knew what I loved, and I didn’t care what anyone else thought. Aside from my parents, I fully attributethat attitude to all the faerie tales I read; the ones that gave birth to my princesses & inspired the movies that made Disney a household name.

My break from disney in H.S. was Star Wars…how poetic that the two are now One!
lol….awesome art found on tumblr

Now, of course, I got off track in High School, as teenagers are wont to do, & got immersed in the sex & drug fueled worlds of Show Choirs & High School Musicals. Though I lost sight of my dream, & let my talent mold a little, the geek inside me never died. On the contrary, she was nurtured, & blossomed into a full blown nerd. In a land where you are tortured and eventually ostracized for being different, let alone for being  little geeky, I was lucky enough to find the art & music programs in my school; a veritable hive of geek royalty🙂  My loves for musicals & Star Wars were both born in high school, as well as the idea to teach kids; you know, sort of brainwash a bunch of youths into being the nerd that I am :)Although I’m no longer sure what I want to do for the rest of my life, I know for a fact that I’ll be making art until the day I die. Though I’m still learning a lot of mediums like working with latex, and costuming, collecting the every expanding world of geeky souvenirs & making my own nerd wear, keeps my juices flowing:) Thanks to innovators like Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks, and the industry that keeps growing to keep up with the talent out there, possibilities for fantasy art and the parameters for the genre couldn’t be more infinite.

My princess geekery in arts & crafts…i even made a snarfblatt & dinglehopper lol

Much to my delight, the Fantasy Genre has downright mutated over recent years. Between the successes of Harry Potter and the various vampire franchises, the superior super hero movies, themes of magic, mayhem, futuristic monsters come to life, realistic faerie tales (Once Upon a Time on ABC is my newest obsession 🙂 LOVE that Snow White too!), & the 3D movie trend that allows you to truly immerse yourself in the most gorgeously created artwork this world has yet to see, our society’s love affair with the fantastic is certain to be a long one.

the latest reincarnation of Snow & the Evil Queen: Once Upon a Time Airbrush piece by Daekazu on

My geeky adoration of all the ladies on Disney’s Royal Court is certain to last forever as well, but nothing beats your first love, & the first Princess, especially of this geek’s heart: Snow White 🙂

Happy Halloween!…Princess Style!!!!

Published October 11, 2012 by sefra mack

I stumbled upon four of these today while I was trying to master this whole new RSS reader thing (yes, I’m becoming web savvy…its insane:P), & i just HAD to share one…this is my Favorite….a Zombie version of one of my favorite Disney Princesses (or, in this case, princess-to-be, as Belle wasn’t married to royalty until the end of her story…yes, I am a dweeb:P)….

They are by an amazing artist, posted on, and I will frantically look for the link so I may bestow credit. Until then, you can go to the website there, and just search Zombie Disney Princesses, and it should come up…otherwise, I have a link fer the ol Facebook album, ( ) so u can see the other 3: Ariel, Snow, and Cindy. Thanks fer looking! I think I’m gonna go rip up an old prom dress & get to splattering some fake blood….just over 2 weeks til Halloween!!! 😀